Religious/Cultural Diversity Surge: CAASDEV Equips Youth Leaders For Peaceful Cohabitation

Participants posed in a family picture after the workshop

Some youth leaders in the North West region have been drilled on the necessity of peaceful cohabitation and acceptance despite the many religions and cultures that exist in the world. This was done Wednesday, August 24, 2022, at CAASDEV head office in Nkwen Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon under the umbrella of “Strengthening Multi-Cultural Youth Actions for promoting social cohesion and peace in the North West region of Cameroon.”

The numerous religions and cultures around the world have often brought about confusion and at times placed people at loggerheads with the end product mostly recording devastating effects. About 75% of conflicts around the world are religious and ethnocultural, be it Socioeconomic/ political drivers, competition for resource control, self-esteem, and ego. To this effect, CAASDEV Community Action for Advancing Sustainable Development in collaboration with GERiS Global Exchange on Religion in Society has identified this conflict as a hindrance to peacebuilding and sustainable development.  This saw them bringing together youth leaders of varied denominations and cultures to brainstorm on how to cohabitate and understand one another. 

Participants at the workshop 

“We have over 4300 religions about 3800 cultures around the world, in Cameroon, the case is not different as we have about 250 cultures, with this social division and polarization is coming from people projecting their political interest or other gains that are bringing up divisions which include war or many other things.” Ndze Noel Lifogha. Coordinator CAASDEV explained 

Ndze Noel coordinator CAASDEV

To prevent further conflict, The youth leaders were urged to organize inter-religious, intercultural youth meetings to share and understand each other’s religion, cultures, and backgrounds for better understanding. The discussions centered on the fact that No culture is superior to another and youth should learn to accept one another for peaceful cohabitation. 

“We look forward to bringing in young people together to have an understanding of what culture/religion can do in uniting people over division. We then set a network of young people that is intercultural or inter-religious that can Forster this division in promoting our culture and using it as a strength rather than a force of division.” 

Amidu Habiru workshop participant

From presentations of the day, haven tasked to be initiators of peace conversations, some youth leaders expressed their satisfaction targeting to set a change in the communities. 

“I have learned the cruciality of social cohesion and peacebuilding and how important it is to intergrade different cultures. My take-home message is no culture is superior to another. We can have a cultural blend where everyone has a say, where we embrace different cultures for development, finding strength in our diversity. As a youth leader, I will be the change I need to see and spark conversations to share knowledge.” Njokia Raisa 

“There are a lot of positive aspects from our different cultures and inclinations that we can harness and use as a tool for peacebuilding and living together in harmony. I am taking the message that it starts with me, how I see my neighbor and understanding them their cultural backgrounds and better relationships with them.”

CAASDEV Community Action for Advancing Sustainable Development empowered and engaged communities with young people working for a better society, to strengthen the ability of young people to organize, mobilize, and take action for advancing sustainable development in society. Having as Motto, Action for Development.

By Anye Nde Nsoh
