CSPH Promotes Gender Equality
Ngum Brenda transporting Cement Block
Ngum Brenda is a 25-year-old girl who hails from Bamendakwe and is one of the supervisors at the ongoing gas plant under construction in Bamenda. The lady who had been working alongside her younger sister in the department of Bricks laying says, she feels satisfied carrying out the Job. "I have been working here for three months and to tell you, I like the job because I am capable of doing it", she told the press while smiling.
Ngum Marie and Ngum Brenda ( left to right ) narrate their story to the press
Questioned why she opted for such a job, The lady who dropped out of school due to financial reasons said she had been home doing nothing for quite a long time and so when the opportunity came, she had no option. "I was doing nothing at home since we dropped out of school due to financial difficulties and when I had this opportunity to work here at the gas plant, I took it with both hands. I am making a lot of money that is weekly and monthly from this job that I can provide for my family", added Ngum.
CSPH and entourage posed with the two Ngums
"When I first arrived for the first time, I was just observing how to use the machines and when the opportunity was given to me, I used it perfectly and that is why I was appointed as the manager in this section of the gas plant", she continued.
Quizzed on how her morning routine is at the site, she explains, "Every morning when I arrive here, I will make sure things are in order, then I will call on my colleagues to measure sand, from there I as the supervisor, I will move to my hierarchy and collect cement, we both mix the sand and cement together and then add water. From there, we start laying our bricks.
On the challenges she is facing, the last said, some of the male workers still don't give her the respect she deserves and consider her underage and when some of the blocks are bad, her immediate boss doesn't allow her to explain things. "When the production is bricks at times get bad, they will shout at me instead of allowing me to explain why. The male workers here were looking at me as underage and that I could not do the work but they later realized I was the perfect person in the right place because of the great result we are achieving every day", she recounted.
CSPH DG Okie Johnson and team at the gas plant site
While visiting the site Thursday, August 24, 2023, the Director General of CSPH, Okie Johnson Ndoh said, it is his dream to see more women get posts of responsibilities in the institution like the case of Ngum Brenda who has taken up the challenge to do what many described as 'men's job'.
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